3.4. Definition
29. Fisheries Management is all efforts, including processes that are integrated into information gathering, analysis, planning, consultation, decision-making, allocation of fish resources, and implementation and law enforcement and regulations in the field of fisheries, carried out by the government or other authorities directed at achieving continuity of productivity of aquatic resources and set goals.
30. Fisheries Management with an Ecosystem Approach (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management), hereinafter referred to as EAFM an ecosystem approach to fisheries that tries to balance diverse societal goals, considering knowledge and uncertainties about biotic, abiotic, and human ecosystem components and their interactions and applying an integrated approach to fisheries within ecological boundaries.
31. Inland Waters are waters that do not belong to individuals and/or corporations and are measured from the lowest tide line to the mainland.
32. Fishery are all activities related to the management and utilization of fish resources and their environment starting from pre-production, production, and processing to marketing carried out in a fishery business system.
33. A precautionary principle is an approach that considers the risk of action management.
34. The uncertainty principle is a principle that considers the dynamic and unpredictable nature of ecosystems.
35. The swamp is a stagnant natural land that occurs continuously or seasonally due to blocked natural drainage and has special physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
36. A Fisheries Management Plan is an official document containing the status of Fisheries and a strategic plan for Fisheries Management.
37. Catching Gear Selectivity is the ability of the fishing gear to catch the permitted target fish.
38. Border lake is the area of land that surrounds, and it has a certain distance from the edge of the lake body, which functions as a lake protection area, public facilities, the community, and for the environmental aspects.
39. A Fisheries Sanctuary is a certain water area, either fresh, brackish, or seawater, with certain conditions and characteristics as a shelter/breeding area for certain types of fish resources, which functions as a nature reserve.
40. Fish Resources are all potential types of fish (class fish);