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Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Adrianto, L., Matsuda, Y., Sakuma, Y. 2005. Assessing local sustainability of fisheries system: a...
Adrianto, L., Matsuda, Y., Sakuma, Y. 2005. Assessing local sustainability of fisheries system: a...
CHAPTER III EAFM Indicator Assessment Techniques on Fishing
3.1 Data collection technique In evaluating EAFM indicators in the Fishing Technology domain, pr...
CHAPTER II Technology Indicator for Fish catching
2.1. Development of Indicators, Values , and Weights in Fishing Technology The Domain of Fishi...
CHAPTER I Introduction
1.1. Overview According to Law No. 45 of 2009, fishing is defined as an activity to obtain fish ...
All praise and thanks be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, God Almighty. With His blessings and guida...
Writer Team
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Aisyah, Husnah, S. Triharyuni. 2019. Akumulasi permasalahan perairan rawa di KPP 435 dan dampakny...
Leaflet IFish Executive Summary (Sep21_Indonesia)
Leaflet IFish Executive Summary (Sep21_English)
Leaflet Arwana IFish_Did You Know
Direktorat Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan. (2019). Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Indikator Pengelolaan ...
CHAPTER IV. EAFM Issues and Goals
4.1. Identification of Priority Issues and Targets Identifying issues must include all direct an...
CHAPTER III. Fisheries Management in Inland Waters
3.1. Stakeholders Involvement Once stakeholders have been identified, it is necessary to underst...
CHAPTER II. Implementation of EAFM in Inland Waters
2.1. Overview of the EAFM Process in Inland Waters FAO (2003) defines Ecosystem Approach to Fish...