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The EAFM indicator assessment template in inland waters for the economic domain can be download...
CHAPTER IV. Results Recommendations
Recommendations for fisheries management are formulated to determine strategic plans through p...
CHAPTER III. EAFM Indicator Scoring Technique In the Economic Domain
3.1. Data collection technique In assessing EAFM indicators in the economic domain, primary data...
CHAPTER II. Development of Indicators, Values, and Weight on the Economic Domain
This economic domain is one of the tools used in assessing the status of EAFM in inland waters. S...
CHAPTER I. Introduction
1.1. Overview Inland water fisheries are identical to fisheries whose access is open. There are ...
All praise and thanks be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, God Almighty. With His blessings and guida...
Writer Team
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Adrianto, L., Matsuda, Y., Sakuma, Y. 2005. Assessing local sustainability of fisheries system: a...
CHAPTER IV. Results Recommendations
4.1 Results Recommendations Recommendations for fisheries management are formulated to determine...
CHAPTER III. Assessment of EAFM Indicators on the Social
3.1. Data collection technique In evaluating EAFM indicators in the Social Domain, primary data ...
Bronwen Golder, WWF-US, and Meg Gawler, ARTEMIS Services. 2005. Cross- Cutting Tool Stakeholder A...
Allan, J.D.; Abell, R.; Hogan, Z.E.B.; Revenga, C.; Taylor, B.W.; Welcomme, R.L.; Winemiller, K. ...
CHAPTER I. Introduction
1.1. Overview Inland water fishery is a business activity exploiting its biological and non-biol...
CHAPTER II. Indicators, Weights, and Ranking in Social Domains
The Social Domain is one of the tools used in assessing the condition of fisheries management wit...
All praise and thanks be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, God Almighty. With His blessings and guida...
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Adrianto, L., Matsuda, Y., Sakuma, Y. 2005. Assessing local sustainability of fisheries system: a...
CHAPTER I. Introduction
1.1. Overview In fisheries management, the quality, diversity, and availability of fishery resou...
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...
Writer team Dr. Ir. Lukman, M.Sc Dr. Triyanto, S.Pi, M.Sc Dr. rer. nat. na...